The best version of myself
Each and every day.
I will handle variance like a fucking champion. I will make non-emotional decisions day in and day out. I will not use the excuse of, "I'm playing tight/aggressive/solid to lower variance" as an excuse to make poor passive decisions. Aggressive, fearless poker gets the $$$. I will take advantage of my opponents weakness and pounce on opportunities when I see them/my spider sense goes off. I will play extremely fearless/aggressive which also sets up a great table image getting me paid.
I will not be a pussy.
I will wake up and do push ups. I will do 100 jumping jacks. I will do sit ups.
When feeling frustrated at the tables I will go outside, take a deep breath and re-focus my mind. I will use the mantra, "this is all a dream... not a grind". I LOVE playing poker. I have a bankroll. I've worked extremely hard to get to this point and I will not let a little bad run turn me into a cry baby whining fucking pussy.
I am the best player @ the table 90% of the time. This is not ego; this is truth. I most likely have the most experience out of all the regs in my current local poker community.
I will play top notch poker each and every day -- saving and focusing before I head to Australia/New Zealand.
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