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TheRealKram420's Blog: Practice what you Preach

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Practice what you Preach

You get what you put in!  I know better to attempt to play tournament poker for a living.  No matter how good one is; there's an un-believable amount of variance.  One could go MONTHS before turning a profit and making that top 3 finish.  It's math -- it has nothing to do with metaphysics, karma, etc.... right?

What is faith if it does not endure when it's being tested?

What are my goals for this coming week? Month? Year? .... 5 years?  Where do I want to be?

How am I going to get myself there?  Every day wasted is a day I could have spent earning.  Life happens fast; and a, 'Hot' week in my career could be life changing.  I will not let it slip past by being a degenerate or playing video games.

Remember most importantly.... THIS IS A DREAM NOT A GRIND


Never allow what happened this WSOP main event to happen again.  I have to turn my brain on going into day 2.

I have to set my alarm and be up an hour or two before cards are in the air.  I play better after I've, "Warmed up" and been awake a little while.

I played like complete dog shit on day 2.  There's no excuses.


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